Marianne Bjelke, DTM
July 9, 2020
First DTM? Yes

When did you join and in which club? October 2015, Off-the-Cuff Albuquerque
Other clubs? Journal Center Toatmasters, DTM Think Tank, Tumbleweeds Toastmasters, Cherry Hills Toastmasters, ABQ Speaks Up and As We Speak
When did you decide you wanted to be a DTM? Shortly after joining TM, I learned about the educational program and various tiers of achievement. Others in my club were pursuing this as a goal.
What district position did you hold? Division B Director
What would you tell other Toastmasters members about becoming a DTM? Map it out, plan your strategy, and then taking the steps to achieving your goal will fall into place. Lean into the support of clubs and members. Find every opportunity to grow your skills as you progress.