District 23 is offering a number of incentives to our members and clubs during 2015-16. Find out what you can earn below or check here to find out if you or your club have already earned something.
Triple Crown Pin
Earn three or more educational awards (CC, CL, DTM, etc) and file them in a District 23 club and you’ll receive a Triple Crown pin from District 23 at the end of the year. If your name is on the list to the right, you’re getting one!
Club Officer Training
It’s a proven fact that clubs who get at least four officers trained during each training period are up to three times more likely to be Distinguished. Imagine what could happen if you got all of your officers trained!
- Get all seven of your club officers trained during either the summer or winter training period and your club will earn a Perfect 7 ribbon from District 23 for your club.
- Get all seven of your club officers trained during both the summer or winter training period and your club will earn a Perfect 14 ribbon from District 23 for your club in addition to the Perfect 7 ribbon.
Takin’ Care of Business

Club Officer Pins
Show that you’re taking care of your club’s business and earn a set of club officer pins for your officers. All you have to do to earn this from District 23 is:
- Have a minimum of five officers trained during each of the two training periods
- Get one club officer list in on time (in June 2015 for annual election clubs and either June 2015 or December 2015 for semi-annual election clubs)
- Get your club dues (at least 8 members) paid by September 15, 2015, in the fall and March 15, 2016, in the spring
Distinguished by April 30th
If your club earns Distinguished status or better by April 30, 2016, your club will earn a $50 Toastmasters International gift certificate from District 23.
Membership Building
Get five or more new, dual, or reinstated members in your club during one of the Toastmasters International membership building contests, and Toastmasters International will send you a banner ribbon and provide you with a 10% discount on your next Toastmasters International club order.
- Smedley Award (August 1 to September 30)
- Talk Up Toastmasters (February 1 to March 31)
- Beat the Clock (May 1 to June 30)
More details are available on the Toastmasters International website.
District 23 Challenge
Win one of our monthly Facebook photo challenges and earn a District 23 Challenge banner ribbon from District 23 for your club. Follow us on Facebook to find out what the next challenge will be!
Charter a New Club
All newly chartered clubs receive a customized club banner and a banner storage bag from District 23.
Successful Club Sponsors and Club Mentors (up to two of each per club) will receive recognition from Toastmasters International and credit towards the Advanced Leader Silver award.
Get a Club Coach or Club Consultant
Is your club low on members and could use the excitement and enthusiasm of an experienced Toastmasters to help your club get back up to strength?

Professionally printed business cards like these!
If your club is at 12 or fewer members, you can get up to two Club Coaches assigned.* Clubs receive the following from District 23 for getting a Club Coach:
- A website review and strategy session with Club Growth Director Jenny Zappone, DTM
- A Toastmasters branded meeting sign **
- Professionally printed business cards customized for your club **
Upon assignment, District 23 will provide each Club Coach with:
Once the club becomes Distinguished (per the rules from Toastmasters International) the Club Coach receives:
- Recognition and credit towards the Advanced Leader Silver award from Toastmasters International
- A portable power bank (USB charger) from District 23
If your club has 13 to 17 members, you can get up to two Club Consultants. * Everything is the same except that Club Consultants do not receive the Toastmasters International recognition nor the credit towards the Advanced Leader Silver award.
* Club Coaches & Consultants must be assigned by either Club Growth Director Jenny Zappone or District Director Tracy Thomason before joining the clubs.
** In order to receive the meeting sign and business cards, clubs must confirm that they will not be changing their meeting location, date, or time for at least twelve months.