Brian Lynch, DTM
August 28, 2020
First DTM? Yes

When did you join and in which club? 2015, Kirtland Toastmasters
When did you decide you wanted to be a DTM? When I heard the traditional program was ending.I had achieved my ACB and ALB awards and was encouraged to serve in a district leadership role
What district position did you hold? Area 33 Director
What would you tell other Toastmasters members about becoming a DTM? You can’t achieve this award without others. I wouldn’t have even attempted it had I not been encouraged by many members of my Kirtland home club: Roy Crawford, Ethan Watson, Marty Finston, Megan Merchant, Ann Beyke, Chad Werenko, Wayne Bobrick, Terri Wallis and Ellyn Finston.
District leaders who were great supporters include: TK O’Geary, MyChelle Andrews, Felicia Crull, Jonathan Gardner and David Gardner. The members of my High Performance Leadership project committee also were so accommodating.
Finally, I would say thank you to the members of the Christian Toastmasters Club who graciously allowed me to come alongside them and their coach, Dick Williams, as they achieved distinguished status this past year. Serving as area director was so challenging, but district leadership is crucial to all local club success.